Rededication of Abby Wooley Park

June 2, 2021By Alabaster Connection

Abby Wooley Park was rededicated in a community service on May 8th. On hand were city officials, county officials, community members, and living members of the Wooley family.  Council member Sophie Martin, city representative for Ward 1 which encompasses Abby Wooley Park, planned the ceremony with an eye to honoring the past while looking towards … Read More

New Park and New Developments in the Great Outdoors

March 27, 2021By Alabaster Connection

Alabaster features a diverse community full of families who have been here for years as well as a quickly growing number of new arrivals who are moving to the city thanks to the new school system and its successes.  Tim Hamm is the director of the Parks and Rec Department. He pointed out that the … Read More